Where to play padel in Valencia

Valencia has a lot to offer such as delicious food, beautiful buildings, sunny beaches, but also many activities for the athletes among us. In the list of these activities there is one that cannot be missing: Padel. This fun and fast sport requires a separate field. Most likely there is a padel court available near […]

Oranges in Valencia: fun facts and more

Fun facts about Oranges in Valencia

Valencia is famous for many things. It’s warm climate, tasty paella, beaches, beautiful buildings, and… sweet juicy oranges! Across the world, oranges are exported from Valencia. You’ll also see orange trees dotted around the city. Oranges in Valencia, when and where? You can buy fresh oranges all year around in Valencia city and region, but there […]

Films And Series Filmed In Valencia

films and series filmed in valencia

The stunning and unique city of Valencia has long drawn professionals from numerous creative industries. After all, where better to conduct your creative projects than the recently designated World Design Capital? Among the most exciting of these industries are film and television. And, to our joy, there are many examples of Valencia starring proudly on […]

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