Relocation Services Valencia

We are your International Relocation Specialists based in Valencia. Until recently, we were exclusively a Real Estate Agency, operating as part of the Dream Properties Group. As such, we are experts in assisting clients find and buy their dream home in Valencia City and Province. But we are all experienced relocators ourselves. We have been in your shoes and have had the same dreams, questions and issues to solve.

Furthermore, through years of helping International clients, we have built a wealth of experience in all aspects of the relocation process, and have acquired a broad network of specialists such as lawyers, constructors, financial advisors and rental companies. Recently, we decided to convert this expertise into a bespoke service, and Relocation Services Valencia was born.

About Us - Founders

Relocation Services Valencia falls under the flag of the Dream Properties Group, established in 2011. The management is in the hands of Jacqueline van Vliet and Erwin Hartgring, who are also the founders and owners. Erwin and Jacqueline are the perfect example of experts by experience: they have made the move to Valencia themselves, and enjoy helping clients make the same move every day.

They decided to create Relocation Services Valencia as a standalone service, although it also goes hand-in-hand with the property services offered at Dream Properties Valencia.

Erwin: “We are passionate about our client-focused approach. We have realised our dream and made the move to Valencia. We fell in love with this beautiful city. But we also know how exciting it can be to actually make the first step. The key to our success is to really understand and listen to what our clients have to say, and ensuring that their wishes drive our services. Our ethos is based on helping, finding and advising. Ultimately, our goal has always been to turn our clients in to our ambassadors, by guiding them in a passionate and professional way.”

You will find our office in the heart of Valencia, in the Ruzafa district at Calle Denia 49. Pop in for a coffee, and find out how we can help you.

Start Living in Valencia

Realise your dream and start living in Valencia. You will not regret it. Valencia has it all. We are ready to help you.

We would love to meet you and hear you ideas and dreams. We can help you to translate this into a plan. With this plan we can help you with the several activities to realise your dream and move to Valencia.

If you have been looking for properties already, you have probably noticed that there is currently a lot on offer. The question is though –  how do you really find the home that fully meets your wishes and ticks all of the boxes? The answer is very simple: contact us. Let us find your dream home for you. Our search only ends when we have found your dream home.

An open and honest approach is of paramount importance to us. We are proactive and are not only there for you during the search for your dream home in Valencia, but also after that time you can call on us for advice and information.

"Making your dream life a reality"
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