Moving to Valencia

The day has come: you are moving to Valencia! After hours of making arrangements and packing boxes, you are actually relocating and will soon be living in Valencia. It is essential that the shipping or removal company handles all of your belongings with care and delivers them on time and to the correct location.

At Relocation Services Valencia we can of course give you our professional and expert advice and recommend the best international removal companies who are widely trusted with house removals. This is a new beginning, to be enjoyed, so relax and don’t worry – we are here to help you every step of the way.

Legalities & Paperwork

When it comes to paperwork and filling out forms in Spain, you have probably heard stories about long queues and waiting times, and the frustrations and complications involved with relocation and registration. This is an unavoidable part of moving to Valencia and Spain in general. However, rest assured that Relocation Services Valencia are here to help you and make the experience a lot easier.

It is advisable, where possible, to make the necessary administrative arrangements ahead of moving to Valencia. These are not always the same for everyone, but we will guide, advise and help you through the process.

When buying a house with Dream Properties Valencia, we can guide you in the following procedures:

  • NIE (Numero Identificacion Extranjero) –  your tax number.
  • Residencia – your Spanish residence permit.
  • Empadronamiento – registration with your municipality.
  • Social Seguridad – registration with the public health system.
  • Drivers License – Converting to a Spanish one.
  • All other administrative matters.


Now you are here and settling in Valencia, you will need to arrange opening a bank account, how to make utility payments and other administrative affairs.

We advise that you open an account with a bank that has offices based in Spain. This makes life easier and ensures a smoother process managing rental, mortgage and utility payments. We will help you choose the bank best suited to your needs and assist you fully in opening your new account.


If you need additional financing or a mortgage for your new home we will connect you with the best local experts who can negotiate the best financing and terms for your specific situation.


As in any country, you may need a number of insurance policies – depending on your situation. If you are a home owner you will need home insurance and possibly life insurance. We can advise you on all of insurance matters, including: home insurance, health insurance, liability insurance for yourself, family & pets, car insurance, travel insurance and even business insurance policies.


If you are living and working in Spain, you will be more than likely be liable to pay taxes in Spain. It is up to you to make these payments to the ‘Hacienda’, the Spanish tax authorities.

Most people prefer to outsource their tax payments and calculations to a certified ‘gestor’ (accountant). Relocation Services Valencia will of course recommend a trusted gestor, who can handle all of these affairs for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

In Spain, you cannot go to your local government office to arrange all matters with just one appointment. To obtain your NIE number and residency, you will need to go to the local police office. For your registration at the municipality, you must go to the Empadronamiento department of your town hall. With your social security number, you have to go to the Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social. Moreover, you can handle all tax matters at the Agència Tributària, and you can change your driving licence at the Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico.

You can arrange appointments yourself at all institutes by applying for a “Cita Previa” online and go there with all necessary documents. Keep in mind that the employees at the offices often don’t speak English. If this seems too complicated, we at Relocation Services Valencia are happy to assist you with the above requirements.

Not really, but of course it all depends on your personal situation and the property you want to buy.

When taking out a mortgage for a home in Valencia, you have to take a number of preconditions into account. For example, the maximum age limit for a mortgage is 75 years, the maximum term is 25 years and you pay off the mortgage by means of an annuity mortgage.  

To give yourself some clarity whether the house in Valencia that you want to buy is affordable, we recommend that you also take into account your own contribution. 

When buying a house in Spain, it is possible to finance up to a maximum of 70% of the sale price or the valuation (which is often lower). The remaining 30% is for your own account. In addition, there are the costs of the buyer, which is on average 15% of the sales price. 

However, this is a global explanation. For more information and a suitable calculation example, talk to the mortgage adviser. Interested? Let us know and we will put you in touch with them.

According to Spanish law, you have to drive with a Spanish number plate if you are moving to Valencia for more than 6 months. If you want to register your car with a foreign number plate in Spain, you must submit the application to the Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico in your municipality.

The following documents are required for this:

  • The application form (available at the Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico)
  • The original NIE number
  • Valid identity card or passport
  • Proof of residence in the province of application (also called empadronamiento)

Vehicle documents:

  • Original and copy of the vehicle documents
  • Certificate of conformity or proof of technical inspection with the blue and pink copy
  • The addresses of the technical inspections can be found on the DGT website
  • Original and copy of the purchase invoice stating the VAT number of the seller or the contract between private persons translated into Spanish
  • Proof of payment of the vehicle tax.

From a tax point of view, it makes sense to drive a car with a Spanish registration number. Please note: if your car has a Spanish number plate, but you are still registered in another country, you could experience problems (with the police, customs and insurance) when you go back to your country with this vehicle.


If you are planning to relocate to Spain and you want to import a car in the cheapest way possible, we advice you to plan this well. There may be no more than two months between registering as a Padron and becoming a Resident. Only then you will be able to import your car without any import costs!

Do you need assistance? Relocation Services Valencia would be happy to help you to relocate not only your family but also your car to Spain!

A few months before the move, contact a vet in your home country. They will be able to provide you with the documentation required and ensure your pets receive any necessary vaccinations within the required time frame.

You will need a health certificate provided by an authorized veterinary in your home country. They need to issue this document in the last 15 days before moving to Spain (if the documents are older than 15 days your pet will need to quarantine in Spain).

Furthermore, you need to ensure that you have a certificate of vaccination against rabies. Your pet needs this vaccine between one to twelve months before entering Spain. Also, you will need a document stating that the area where you keep the animal is free of animal diseases. You will be able to apply for this at the agriculture ministry.

These documents should be authorized and stamped by the Spanish authorities in your country.

Relocation Service Valencia can help you to relocate your dog, cat, rabbit or any other animal you are planning to bring. Please let us know if you need our assistance!

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