Schools & Education in Valencia

Happy kids, happy parents! If you have kids, you will of course want to ensure that they have a good time here too.  If they are of school age, you may need assistance with finding a school in Valencia. The right choice of school will be a top priority.

The objective of our school finding service is to provide a breakdown of all the different school choices in your chosen area, accompany you to interviews and help with the registration process.


There are many types of schools in Spain, from public schools, to private and international schools – all of which can be found throughout Valencia city and in the wider region.

We have extensive knowledge when it comes to finding a school in Valencia, including the most well-regarded schools. You can make your selection with the aid of our expertise, and we will accompany you on visits if you choose.


Valencia and its many peripheral municipalities have a good range of both public and private universities. We are happy to discuss the options, requirements and admission systems with you, should you have children looking to apply or if you’re interested in further study for yourself.

Spanish Language Courses

You may have already mastered the language, but many feel that they require further lessons. You can, of course, immerse yourself in Spanish life for the fastest learning experience. However, there are many possibilities subsidised by the municipality, but also many language schools that can teach you the Spanish language at different levels privately or in a class.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are going to emigrate with children, it is vital, perhaps before the search for a home, to find a school that suits your children. International and private schools are the only schools in Spain that teach in English. Schools in Spain are divided into three categories: public schools (colegios públicos), private schools partially funded by the state (colegios concertados) and schools funded exclusively privately (colegios privados). The last category often includes international schools.

According to the Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sport, approximately 67% of Spanish schoolchildren attend public schools, 26.0% state-funded private schools and 7% private schools. State education in Spain is completely free up to university level. Although, parents do have to pay for the necessary school supplies themselves. You pay for Private schools through monthly or annual instalments. Most subsidized private schools run on a Spanish education program, but some international or bilingual schools are subsidized only on the condition that at least 25% of their students are Spanish.

Subsidized private schools are generally a lot cheaper than the ‘colegios privados’. However, several schools offer scholarships to help parents pay for school fees.

Do you need help finding a school in Valencia? Using both personal and professional experience, we are happy to assist you and advise you about the possibilities and introduce you to some good (international) schools.

The school year in Spain usually ends mid-June and starts in the first or second week of September. Dates might differ per year, so we suggest that you check with the school before enrolling your children. When relocating with children, you may wish to move during the summer holidays so that they have time to adjust and can start the school year at their new Spanish school.

Also good to know: the Spanish school year is split into three terms of about eleven weeks each. Also, there are numerous public holidays throughout the year in Spain, and kids get to enjoy these days as breaks from school. Children also get a generous two weeks for Christmas and Easter and the already mentioned ten to eleven weeks in summer.

Some schools also offer an extra week or two of summer vacation to children moving from primary to secondary school. Often this includes a class trip abroad. Furthermore, many schools offer summer courses, so your child(ren) can get to know their new school, practice the language, and get to know other children.

Under Spanish law, all children living in Spain between the age of six and sixteen must receive an education. The Spanish educational system consists of six years of primary education (Primaria) followed by four years of secondary school (ESO).

Preschools are available for children under the age of six but are not compulsory. Most children will start in preschool “Infantil” in September of the calendar year in which they turn three years old.

In the Spanish system, after finishing the ESO, your child can continue with two more years at ‘bachillerato’. Here they will prepare the children for university.

Valencia has several universities, both public and private. There are also a wide variety of courses to choose from. The main universities are close to the beach area of Malvarosa.

At some point, you may want to make yourself heard in your new country. The best way to do so is by learning the language. Also, for making new friends or finding a job, it is vital to at least know the basics.

Learning a new language, especially at an older age, might be very time and energy-consuming, and challenging to do. Through experience, we know it is best to enrol in a Spanish language course. There are plenty of good language schools offering personalized private or group lessons for all ages. Also, there are plenty of good options for your children.

Relocation Services Valencia is happy to introduce you to some good language schools.

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