Living in Valencia

The move is now over and you are in your new home. A new adventure has begun – you are now living in Valencia!

Emigration is a verb, and the first months can – despite this being your dream – prove quite challenging. We know better than anyone that this time involves redesigning your world completely.

Whilst this creates many opportunities, there is a possibility you may find this process a bit draining, especially if you don’t quite know where to start. Hence, we continue to offer support beyond the physical move.

Social Connections

Being a new face in a new area can be difficult, especially with different customs and traditions to get used to. Relocation Services Valencia is here to help you feel more comfortable by providing a variety of tips and tricks – particularly to help you find out what is going on throughout Valencia.

We have extensive knowledge of Valencia’s thriving social scene, including key social events happening all-year-around. Our aim is to share as much of this knowledge as we can – relevant to your personal social needs, of course.

Connections - Living in Valencia

At Relocation Services we want to help you quickly feel at home in all areas. Here are some additional services we can offer:

  • Health-related advice.
  • Pet services information.
  • Business advice.
  • Transport recommendations.
  • Social network guidance.
  • Business network guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is essential that you research the cost of living to see if you can afford living in a new country. Good news: for those coming from the UK or other Northern European countries, daily living in Valencia is often a lot cheaper than what you are used to in your home country. Food prices in restaurants are cheaper, rent prices and running costs are cheaper, and sometimes even clothes in big brand stores are cheaper in Spain.

Do keep in mind that salaries in Spain are quite a bit lower than salaries in Northern Europe. It would be good to make a list of costs you need to consider.

It is crucial to create a social network and to get to know people when relocating to a new country. You will want people around you to enjoy daily life together and to assist you when needed.

A good start is to join an expat forum via Facebook and apps such as Internations and Meetup. You will also be able to find some business-related meeting groups to get to know more people and to find new opportunities.

Go to meetings and be open to getting to know new people. You can also try joining sports clubs. Overall, there are many ways to get to know new people successfully.

It might be difficult to find a new opportunity in a country where, in general, there is a high rate of unemployment. A lot of people relocating to Valencia choose to start their own business. Relocation Services Valencia can assist you with the legal aspects by connecting you to a reliable lawyer.

Furthermore, to prepare yourself, you could search online for openings and send applications. You can also post on expat forums on Facebook and send open applications to companies that interest you.

We sometimes recommend that you first find a lower-skilled job, for example, in customer service and learn the language while looking for other opportunities. At least you will be taking the first step to start your new life in Valencia.

At Relocation Service Valencia we say: if you have a dream, live it!

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