Work Remotely Whilst Living in Valencia

Recently, an InterNations survey named Valencia the world’s best city for expatriates. However, work in Valencia was traditionally a deterrent for some, as there were few jobs for English speakers. Moreover, salaries in Valencia tend to fare lower than in other cities.

Now, not only are there an increasing amount of international companies based in Valencia, but there has also been a significant shift towards remote work. Therefore, expats can earn competitive salaries from global companies whilst enjoying the low cost of living in Valencia.

work in Valencia

Is Remote Work Viable Long-Term?

Due to Covid-19, remote work is more common than ever before. The necessity of remote work resulted in technological innovations to allow workers to do their jobs just as effectively (or even more effectively) than if they were at the office. What is more, this shift is predicted to outlive the pandemic, with remote jobs becoming increasingly commonplace in the future. Therefore, remote workers can be confident in their long-term prospects.

Of course, a lot depends on the type of work you choose to undertake. In general, freelancers or ‘autónomos‘ experience less security than those with traditional employment contracts. However, it is now possible to secure a full-time, salaried employment contract for remote positions. Nevertheless, many still prefer the autónomo route for the increased flexibility, and we recommend Valencia regardless of the type of remote work you’re considering.

Why Valencia for Remote Workers?

The Cost of Living

There are many reasons why Valencia is one of the best cities for remote workers. As previously mentioned, many people are securing remote employment contracts from global companies based in cities like New York, London and beyond. As such, they are enjoying the high salaries offered by companies in these cities, whilst living somewhere with a remarkably lower cost of living.

For example, Numbeo’s Cost of Living Index shows that the general cost of living in New York is 79.62% higher than in Valencia; and Londoners face a 51.26% higher cost of living than Valencians. Moreover, rent in New York is an astronomical 310.98% higher than in Valencia, and rent in London is 186.82% higher.

Consider that an average salary in New York is $78k (over €64k), across all industries and job roles. Furthermore, the average salary in London across sectors and job roles in £38k (over €41k). Examine this against the average monthly cost of living of a single person in Valencia: just €586.54 excluding rent.

These figures should demonstrate financial potential when working remotely in Valencia. Also, keep in mind that these examples are not even in the top ten (New York) or top fifty (London) of the highest average salaries worldwide. The sky is truly the limit!

The Quality of Life

Valencia quality of life

Despite Valencia’s low living cost, the city offers an excellent quality of life. From the glorious weather to the laid-back lifestyle and beautiful aesthetics, Valencia is a fantastic city in which to live and work. 

On Numbeo’s Quality of Life Index, Valencia rates very highly on the climate, health care and safety indexes, and low on the commute time and cost of living index (as we detailed above). Moreover, Valencia is the top-ranked city for leisure and climate.

You can segment your working day with a delicious lunch on one of the terraces that you’ll find throughout the city. And conclude the day with a stroll on one of the beautiful beaches or a relaxing yoga session in the stunning Turia Park.

If you want to read more about the fantastic quality of life that Valencia offers, make sure you check out our blog: Why Move to Valencia?

Internet Access

When it comes to remote work, fast and reliable internet is a must. Luckily, Valencia offers many low-cost data plans from trusted providers like Orange and Vodafone. 

Moreover, free WIFI is available throughout the city in numerous places. You can connect to the internet for free in the vast majority of coffee shops found on every corner, and even in public places like Turia Park and various train stations. As well as this, Valencia boasts a variety of coworking spaces, which include WIFI.


Transport in the Ruzafa district

Transport links in Valencia are superb. The city is very well connected, both from one district to another and to the wider province. As we mentioned, Valencia rated low on the commute time index, being one of the faster cities for the daily commute.

The fast commute is attributed mainly to the city’s excellent travel infrastructure. There are low-cost and easily accessible metro and bus services to get you from A to B in no time at all. Furthermore, many people choose to drive in Valencia, as there are many private and public car parks throughout the city, as well as free parking in many streets. Moreover, traffic tends to move fairly quickly in Valencia.

Also, everything in the centre of Valencia is within walking distance of each other. Therefore, if you choose to live in the centre and work in one of the centre’s cafés or coworking spaces, you don’t have to spend any money on transport at all! Moreover, Valencia is a fantastic city for cyclists, with cycle lanes running throughout the city and rental services like Valenbisi

Places to Work

Of course, one great thing about remote work is that you can get out of bed, grab your cup of coffee and get straight to work in the comfort of your own home. However, we know that working from home isn’t for everyone

Suppose you prefer to work in an office-based environment, or perhaps simply wish to get out of the house. In that case, Valencia has several fantastic options. We have already briefly mentioned the various caféscoworking spaces and public spots from which you can work remotely. Still, we’ll here offer some specific examples of the best coworking spaces and cafés for remote workers.

Best Coworking Spaces
Tiovivo Creativo
Image: Tiovivo Creativo
Wayco Ruzafa
Image: Wayco Ruzafa

It is also worth mentioning that many of these coworking places also offer office space for teams, as well as the areas for individuals. For example, Wayco, in the trendy neighbourhood of Ruzafa, offers private offices for teams of 2-20 people!

Best Cafés for Remote Workers

Meeting Other Remote Workers & Expats

There are many opportunities to meet other remote workers and expats in Valencia. Our favourite is the Facebook Group Valencia Coffees & Co-Working. In this group, you will find weekly invitations for meet-ups at various locations, where a handful of people will come together to co-work and network.

Moreover, there are many other groups on Facebook and apps like Meetup, with other expats looking to meet new people and participate in events. For example, Expats in Valencia/ Hi-VLC and Expats en Valencia, España are fantastic, active groups where you can find people to connect with.

You Want to Work Remotely in Valencia?

Hopefully, this blog has demonstrated why Valencia is a fantastic place to live for remote workers. However, if you need more information about the process of moving to Valencia as a remote worker, or just about work in Valencia in general, contact us at Relocation Services Valencia.

Also, if you’re contemplating moving to Valencia, you should start thinking about which locations are best suited to your needs. Remote workers often choose to live in the city centre for the proximity to the coworking spaces and WIFI-powered cafés. Alternatively, you may wish to base yourself in a spacious villa in the broader province. Whatever suits you, make sure to check out the following blogs:

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