Empadronamiento Valencia: Register in Your Municipality

Once you have moved to Valencia, registering on the empadronamiento (also called the ‘padrón’) in Valencia is required by law. The padrón is a register specific to the municipality where you live, which lists all residents in the given area. As well as being a legal requirement, you often need to provide proof of the registration (Certificado de Empadronamiento) when applying for residency in Spain. As such, we believe that this should be your first administrative stop.

You will be pleased to know that the registration process is relatively quick and usually free. Relocation Services Valencia can personally guide you through the process and handle various matters on your behalf, as part of our personalised relocation services. However, if you prefer to register without assistance, read on for our guide to registering on the empadronamiento in Valencia.


Why Do I Need to Register on the Padrón?

Registering on the padrón is a legal requirement in Spain, as well as often being needed to obtain official residency. But if you’re still thinking of delaying this task, you should also be aware that a padrón certificate is required to:

  • Register for healthcare.
  • Enrol your children in school.
  • Purchase a vehicle.
  • Register to vote in local elections.
  • Register to vote in European elections.

Our Guide to Registering on the Empadronamiento in Valencia

We’d love to say that your arrival in beautiful Valencia marks the end of the mundane, administrative tasks involved in relocating. However, there are a few essential matters that you must handle, including registering on the padrón. Fortunately, we can guide you through the process and even manage some things for you.

If you intend to do this without assistance, see our overview of registering on the padrón below. 

Book an Appointment

In Valencia, you can book an appointment to register on the padrón by calling 010, or by filling in an online form. Through both methods, your nearest town hall will allocate you a date and time slot
Opening hours for town halls: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 14:00.

Documents to Bring to the Appointment

When booking, the call operator will tell you what to bring to the appointment, along with answering any other queries you may have. If you wish to prepare in advance, the standard requirements are:

1. Your passport (the original and a copy).

2. Your NIE (if you have one).

3. A recent utility bill sent to you at your habitual address in Spain.

4. Additional proof of address:

  • Homeowners – The original deed of purchase (escritura).
  • Renters of a property – The original rental agreement.
  • Renters of a room – Autorización expresa: A document signed by someone registered at the address and a signed copy of their ID.

Additional Information

You should also be aware that:
  • Minors need to be accompanied by an adult.
  • You must ensure that you request official, signed proof of your registration (Certificado de Empadronamiento).
  • When you have obtained your certificado de empadronamiento, you should have it on-hand for further administrative tasks. For example, you will need it when applying for social security, buying a vehicle and getting married.
  • For the aforementioned administrative tasks, the certificate should be no more than three months old. You can obtain a copy of the certificate with the current date at any time via the town hall.

Relocation Services Valencia: Here to Help

Here at Relocation Services Valencia, we understand that seemingly simple formalities can be complicated in practice. As such, we will happily help you with procedures like registering on the padrón. Through our bespoke services, we can provide personalised guides, arrange appointments on your behalf and even accompany you to the appointments. Contact us to find out more.

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